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Equine Physician

Three Horses

Premier Equine Services 

At The Bowen Clinic, our goal is to provide effective treatments for back pain, joint pain, sports injuries, and mobility issues. We specialize in the Bowen Technique, which is a gentle hands-on treatment that triggers positive changes in muscles, connective tissue, the nervous system, and the brain. Our unique soft tissue fascia release treatment can lead to improved mobility, fast sports injury rehabilitation, reduced pain levels, increased muscular power and balance, enhanced sports performance, and natural healing. Our clinic is dedicated to improving the lives of our clients through our expertise, passion for wellness, sports performance, injury rehabilitation, and optimal mobility. We also offer treatments for dogs and horses, focusing on treating lameness, mobility issues, and enhancing performance. Our therapy involves precise movements and light touch on stress loading trigger points and meridian points over muscles, ligaments, and nerves. Our team of Sports Medicine Physicians are highly acclaimed by medical, health, and sports professionals, as well as celebrities and people from all walks of life. We believe in delivering the best care for our clients, and we invite you to book an appointment with us today.

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